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Camping is the best recreational activity. people go camping in national parks and campsite, private campgrounds, in the backcountry or even in your own backyard. Few adventurists make it an amazing experience by climbing and hiking above the majestic mountains. Usually, the campsites have tables, parking areas, a place to pitch your tents and that’s it. You have to carry everything else by yourself.
Although surviving with very little equipment is the beauty of the camping experience. But it is really sophisticated to have sufficient camping equipment to have a comfortable, convenient and home campsite. If you are not an expert camper, you must have the following camping equipment with you. with the experience, you will learn what you can skip having the ultimate adventurous experience of camping.
Mandatory Camping Equipment
If you are Travelling with any tour operator, you might not be worried about tents but if it is organized by you, tent is must-have camping equipment. There are many types of tents and You must consult a good tent shop for which type of tent will be best for your kind of tour. Usually, a double-walled tent is preferred to have a guard against strong winds. Additionally, dimed tents are ideal for their lightweight, sturdiness, easy erection and, strong grip on the ground.

Self-Inflating Mattress
A Therm-a-Rest mat is best as it is compact and has good insulation, especially in snowy areas. Use a groundsheet to avoid puncture if you are using it outside the tent. For the trekkers, hard mattresses are preferred to be a part of your camping equipment kit.
Sleeping bags
While check listing your camping equipment, remember good quality sleeping bags. Usually, a four-season sleeping bag rated to 10-degree centigrade, with a zipper, a hood, and a drawstring is perfectly practice.
You must have a pack, that is big enough to carry all the equipment and clothing. Consider moisture-absorbing sections to avoid heat when buying a backpack.
Space Blanket
This camping equipment is good to give you extra insulation or driving out a deep chill. It might also be required as a first-aid treatment.
Head Torch and Batteries
Head torch is a better option many ways as compared to the handheld torches. Your both hands would be busy while cooking, arranging tent, writing dairy or many other tasks. Normally, the campsites don’t have many options to buy or recharge the batteries. So, add some extra batteries to your camping equipment.
Water Bottle
choose a distinguishable water bottle from your fuel containers. Usually, one-liter water bottle per person is enough.
A Pouch
A waist belt type pouch is recommended to carry your travel documents and money. Don’t forget to take money with you, as your credit card is not enough credible at campsites.
Altimeter, compass, and whistle
To know your exact location and altitude, especially in the mountains, you need Altimeter and compass are a must-have to get the right directions while trekking. Keep whistles in your camping equipment to attract others when they leave you far behind.
Medical Kit
You can get a ready-made medical kit from any medical store. Consider the size of your party and the duration of your trip while deciding the size of the kit.
Now your Camping equipment is ready. If you have everything mentioned above your camping experience is going to be most convenient and unforgettable.