Once you are ready to develop your own business website, it can get quite confusing to familiarize all of those internet jargons. Most of the time, there will be lots of questions in your mind as to where you should start in the first place. What are websites? What are web domains?
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What are Websites?
A website refers to a group of related pages linked all together through one domain name. Typically, a website has its own homepage with navigation that lists the rest of the web pages. Every web page can serve a unique purpose with equally unique media and text.

To show up correctly in the web browser, the websites need to adhere to standard structural and coding guidelines. But, most famous website builders are specifically meant for beginners. You can also customize your website even if you don’t have skills in designing because the platform will be the one to automatically generate the code.
What are Web Domains Names?
Web domains names are the addresses that identify the unique location of your website online. You can think of your domain name as the specific directions to your website. Once a person types this name into the address bar, the search browser can determine where your website is being hosted.
The domain name is composed of those words that follow www. A website with several pages has sub-domain for each page.
It is important to keep in mind that a registered domain name could exist even with no website. In fact, there are speculators that purchase a lot of unused domain names hoping to sell them at a much higher price. A website is not live until the web domain name points to the host and website. It is also possible for multiple domains to direct to just one site.
You can also get more creative and pick your desired domain name provided that it is not taken yet. Look for a domain through looking up the available names from domain registrars.
You need to pay a fee every year for you to own a domain as well as for registration renewal.
Once web domains expired and another person buys them, you can also make an offer in order to try regaining the ownership. But, many sellers might charge you more than the renewal fee because the domain has a high demand.
What are URLs?
Can you remember how websites can have several pages under one similar domain? All pages need an exact address for identifying its location on the website. It is a true if the site only has one page. The URL or Universal Resource Locator is the complete address for every web page.
Probably the best thing about launching your own website is the fact that you get an endless room for further improvement. Having a functional and clean website up online is important to build your brand. You will also need to look for brand new ways to enhance user experience while your business grows.