Some Common Problems In Windows Vista

Windows Vista logo.
Windows Vista logo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ever since the launch of Windows Vista in January, 2007, it has come across plenty of criticism and condemnation from the users. Here are some of the common problems related to Windows Vista-


Site Advisor is not working. An error message is displayed on the screen stating “Site Advisor has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.”


This error is generally caused by your McAfee security suite. You can try to repair the installation or you can just go ahead and uninstall this product and install other more competent products, that are free to use. Read More “Some Common Problems In Windows Vista”

Fixing the most basic problems in wireless Keyboard or mouse

Apple Wireless Keyboard - second generation, a...
Apple Wireless Keyboard – second generation, aluminum slim profile (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Software Issues

Some special features of the wireless devices – like quick access keys on a keyboard or additional buttons on a mouse–require special software to drive their operation. Although most wireless keyboard and mouse devices work with computers right out of the box. Users who report issues with these features often have incorrectly loaded the software, or failed to install the software. In some extreme instances, the device’s special features are rendered unusable, as the software may be altogether incompatible with the computer’s operating system. Consult the manufacturer for assistance or exchange the device for a different model, if the software fails to load or cannot be installed.

Interference Issues

Extremely active environments may generate radio signal interference that causes wireless keyboard and mouse devices to produce unexpected behavior, despite the synchronization process designed to safeguard against such problems. Some sources of interference include radios, mobile phones, desktop fans, fluorescent lights, wireless routers, and even large metal objects like filing cabinets. By simply moving the wireless keyboard and mouse away from the source, the interference problem can be resolved in most cases, though some interference, like that from a wireless phone, may require removing the interference source from the computing environment. Read More “Fixing the most basic problems in wireless Keyboard or mouse”

Solutions to Common Problems in Facebook

Image representing FarmVille as depicted in Cr...
Image via CrunchBase

Nowadays, social networking has become the most popular and the most convenient way to share knowledge, information, and content, with others. Social networking sites are those sites which are meant for hosting social media. They aim to build communities of people who seem to share similar interests and activities, or, who are curious to come into terms with the interests and activities of other people. In other words, a social networking site is more like a virtual meeting place where people meet, interact with each other, and share their thoughts. Facebook is the world’s most popular social networking website.

Some Common Problems in Facebook

In this section, we discuss some of the common problems, which are frequently faced by the users, while operating in Facebook.

Problem #1

“I am unable to load games in Facebook” Read More “Solutions to Common Problems in Facebook”

Troubleshooting tips for Computer Speaker

Audio speaker is the output peripheral connected to a PC for hearing sound. A sound driver is must for the PC to play audio. In case the speaker does not play the audio then try the following methods.

1. First inspect the speaker plug. The usual color code of the speaker is lime green since 1999. The speaker label may mention speakers or headphones. Picture symbols include curved lines and a line with a dot going out from the center. Sometimes a picture of a speaker or even headphones may found. Generally the back portion of the PC may contain the plugs but some newer computers will have plugs on both the front and back.

Read More “Troubleshooting tips for Computer Speaker”