Troubleshooting tips for Computer Speaker

Audio speaker is the output peripheral connected to a PC for hearing sound. A sound driver is must for the PC to play audio. In case the speaker does not play the audio then try the following methods.

1. First inspect the speaker plug. The usual color code of the speaker is lime green since 1999. The speaker label may mention speakers or headphones. Picture symbols include curved lines and a line with a dot going out from the center. Sometimes a picture of a speaker or even headphones may found. Generally the back portion of the PC may contain the plugs but some newer computers will have plugs on both the front and back.

2. Ensure the speaker is powered up. Some cheap speakers can be plugged directly to the computer and do not need a separate power source. The computer connector usually provides a minimum of 1V to the speakers. The intensity of the sound in these speakers is low, even at maximum volume. Most of the speakers need a separate DC power to amplify the sound.

English: A pair of speakers for notebook computers made by Logitech. They both are powered and audio-connected to the computer via USB. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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3. If DC power is required for the speakers, then ensure the power plug is connected to the speaker and the outlet. Sometimes the speaker has subwoofers and power is derived from the subwoofers.

4. The USB speakers receive the power from the USB port on the PC. The USB ports can supply maximum of 5V to the speaker.

5. If the speakers are powered up properly, then check whether the volume of the speaker is between maximum and minimum. Also inspect the volume on the computer sound controls.

6. Ensure that the volume on the volume controls on the task bar, on the left of the computer clock is not muted or kept at the minimum position. If the volume controls are not displayed then, go to the windows start button, select control panel and click on the icon that resembles a grey speaker. Double click on this icon and check the volume. You can also inspect the “Place Volume Icon on the Task bar” so that the sound control shortcut will be on left side of the computer time.

7. If the sound and power connections are OK and the volume levels are good, then inspect the actual speakers. Most of the computer speakers have power lights. If the speakers cannot be turned on, then check the speakers on another computer if possible.

8. Try a set of good speakers on the same PC with the same sound card. The speakers’ play well then the problem is with the speaker. Replace the speakers. If the good speakers do not play, then the sound card is faulty and needs to be replaced or repaired.

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